Namsal Siedlecki

Greenfield, USA, 1986

20° Premio Cairo

Namsal Siedlecki lives and works in Seggiano (GR). In 2015 he won the fourth edition of the Moroso Prize and the Cy Twombly Italian Affiliated Fellow in Visual Arts at the American Academy in Rome, and the Gamec Prize at the Gamec Museum in Bergamo in 2019.
His most recent exhibitions include:
#80 #90, Villa Medici, Rome (2019);
6th Moscow Biennale for Young Art, Moscow (2018);
Titolo IV, Villa Romana, Florence (2016);
Integument, Frankfurt am Main, Berlin (2016);
TU35, Centro per l’Arte Contemporanea Luigi Pecci, Prato (2015);
Così Accade, Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Turin (2014);
Crisalidi, Fondazione Pastificio Cerere, Rome (2013).